Here is my July EHAG Emporium offering...
"Brimstone", the Gourd Goblin.
This little GG is 6 3/4" to stem tip and 5 1/2" wide.
He snitched the 12" Witch's broom, which has a real Sulphur Crystal imbedded in it.
Brimstone is hand sculpted of Paper Clay and as you can tell,
he's quite the muscular fellow... you see... Gourd Goblins creep about in the dark of night...
neath piles of leaves, and stacked straw. Often, a glimpse is taken
of them moving about on their stubby vine legs
in the odd corn field and empty pumpkin patch.
His little Broom can be gently moved ... Or, did he do that himself?

Brimstone is signed and numbered 1/1, Original.
Please contact me via e-mail if you're interested in this fun piece.
Thank you so much for looking!
I left a comment earlier but forgot to put the word verification in! He's a cutie, a little naughty, but a cutie. Don't tell him I said that!
Es absolutamente genial!!!!!
besitos ascension
Thank you so much Len and Acension! I'm so glad you like him! He is a bit of a naughty fellow and I think that besides the witch's belongings, he's also fond of nicking shoelaces of unsuspecting passers by as well! lol
Nice photos Deb! Great piece!!
FUN Emporium piece Deb!
SpOOky CK >:-)
He's amazing, Debbie! So expressive... and, as Len says, a bit naughty!! I love it.
Perhaps he needs to meet Miss Oct 31st? They might make a great gourdy pair =) Great work.
I love him - what a great expression!
I saw this fellow on the ehag site, he is really wonderful...nice work!
Love this little fellow!
Thank You everyone for your kind words! He was alot of fun to make! :-)
Love your work!!!
This fellow is really great!!
Lori Ann
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